This morning a client asked me what the difference is between the left and right columns on a Facebook page and it occurred to me that I didn’t know exactly. So I investigated.

Turns out you can see real time activity and you can control the content in some pretty cool ways on your Facebook page! I wanted to share what I found in a meaningful way, so I created an infographic on the topic (see below).

Here are 4 great features of a Facebook page

1. See real time activity of your Facebook page – how many people have seen it, how many likes you are getting and how many people are “talking” about it (that means people have shared it or commented on it).

2. “Pin” posts so that they stay at the top of your page for 7 days. Pretty cool feature in a world of ever changing information.

3.”Star” posts, which causes the content to span all the way across both columns, making it stand out.

4. Create “Milestones” which show up in a big bold way. A great way to showcase the launch of a new product or service.

Here is the infographic – let me know if your find it helpful! (Click on it to see a larger version – or feel free to download it!)


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