I’ve heard it all!

  • I hate Facebook

  • I don’t understand Twitter

  • I don’t have time to blog

  • There’s to much to learn

Enough already!

Social Media and blogging will expand your reach in ways you can’t imagine.


Here’s the best place to start: Where you are!

Decide you are going to learn ONE channel. Facebook, Blogging, Twitter, Pinterest. It doesn’t matter which one as much as it matters that you start!

Success online takes time and effort. Just like running a business does… you are in business to make money, right?

Many years ago, I didn’t want to learn Facebook for Business. Come on – I was using Linkedin for business… Facebook too?? It was just too much to take on!

It all turned around on a snowy day in Wisconsin.

I started to make appointments was after a very personal post on Linkedin.

I was in another state taking care of my mother-in-law. I was isolated and homesick.

I posted a few things on Linkedin about my current situation. I got back multiple responses from business colleagues and friends that I hadn’t talked to in over a year.

Responses such as…

Where are you?” “Are you still doing web design?” “Let’s get together as soon as you get back!

That one post eventually netted me many thousands of dollars in work. My intention wasn’t to find work at that point, it was to connect and communicate with like-minded people.

“Ahhh, I get it”, I thought!

Facebook IS connecting personally.

So, if friends and colleagues are spending a lot of time on Facebook and they happen to see something useful about websites, perhaps they will consider hiring me because I’ll already have their trust.

Afterall, the only way to get new business is to have the TRUST of the person who is hiring you.


Since then, social media and blogging are part of my routine.


Just do it!

So, quit your whining and take the leap into social media or blogging!

Don’t know where to start?

Download my uber inexpensive Online Marketing Kit!

Have fun and let me know when you get started!

Kathy Rausch



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