Want to S.H.I.N.E. on Pinterest?

Here are a few tips to help you do that AND increase your R.O.I.


Share images you love.Shine Bright!

This means that you’ll have to think first of the categories you want  – which is what you call your “Pinboards”

Do you like gardening? Cooking? Fashion? Shoes? Swimming pools? Tattoos? Cupcakes? Consider the things that you LOVE to look at online.

Then create boards where you can pin to your hearts content!


Find things that people in general (women on Pinterest) love to get help with that you would love to share.

This can be work related and personal. So, for business related like “Marketing tips” look for Infographics that you can share about the topic. Or find blogs that have great images that you can share.

Better yet – create your OWN blog posts with graphics and your OWN infographics!


This is not hard and you can’t do it too often!

Honestly, a small tid-bit of inspiration can literally make someone else’s day and motivate them out of a rut. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. On Pinterst you want to use great images that convey the inspirational message you are giving.

You have no idea what the extent of your inspiration is – the ripple goes on and on. A great resource for quotes WITH images is VeryBestQuotes.com .

Never give up.

Pin, pin and pin.

The more pinboards you have that ARE FILLED UP, the more followers you will get.

I personally find Pinterest as a fun place to spend time with little thought to how much business I get from it – but don’t be fooled – I DO get business from Pinterest!

Elevate your presence.

Make sure your Pinterest Profile is set up such that people will know you’re in business.

Don’t make the mistake of just having a non- professional looking Pinterest account.

You can still have lots of fun in your personal time shopping and pinning on Pinterest – but keep your account well organized and professional.

Download my Pinterest 101 Webinar today! 


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