Molly Luffy kicked my TekMiss butt in gear!

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I started working with Molly when I knew that I wanted to take TekMiss to a new level but didn’t know how, or why. I knew I was good at what I do. I knew I could help a lot of people but I was tired and worn out and sick of technology. I mean seriously folks, how would YOU like to talk about Facebook or Twitter every day? (LOL!)

Molly resonated with me because of her unique qualifications of having an MBA, working within corporate and spirituality.

I wanted someone “smarter” than me who knew what it’s like to feel a spiritual pull – a wanting to know WHY?!

For about a year I worked with Molly every month. She used a whole set of spiritual and business tools and techniques to help me clear out a bunch of limiting beliefs and get to my WHY!

It’s because of my work with Molly that my website and branding took on what it is today – vibrant, and shiny!

Molly helped me understand that doing this work helps others at a very deep level express their deepest passion with the world. I mean come on – if you’re an entrepreneur you have a light inside that will NOT go out – it wants to SHINE! And what better way to get the light beaming out into the world then online? I’m just sayin’…

In Molly’s own words:

What made you decide to start coaching others?ProfPortrait_PortraitShoppe_MG_3842-200x300

I had a deep desire to do something meaningful with my career. My corporate job did not fulfill me and thankfully my path took me to coaching. It was perfect for my skill set and interest. It’s been over 12 years now and I still love it!

What is the focus of your coaching?

The focus of my coaching is helping women achieve their potential – and create the business that they dreamed of when the idea was initially birthed. Many Entrepreneurs have a great vision and are so excited to get started but then the reality sets in and they start to feel overwhelmed – not to mention bad about themselves. They might think “maybe I can’t do this” or “Am I good enough?”

My coaching is focused on helping my clients build a very strong personal foundation of belief in themselves and their talents – and from there we create a pathway of what I call “aligned” actions to get them to their goals.

Alignment is so crucial to the personal fulfillment of the Entrepreneur and to the viability of a business. Too many people are following cookie-cutter programs that are designed to work for a very select few. My program is totally custom to the personality, interests and skills of the business owner, combined with the goals of the business – and the industry specific of that particular business.

What make you different than other coaches?

I think what makes me different is my blend of right and left brain strengths. I am very business-minded and absolutely love digging into the complexities of a business and optimizing the processes, marketing, etc.

But I am also deeply spiritual and intuitive. Blending all of these gifts and bringing them to my coaching creates a very comprehensive, deep and lasting transformation for the right clients. Most people hire me to make more money – and they definitely achieve that goal. But they get so much more. They end up accessing their personal power in a way they never have before. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness!

Where are most of your clients?

My clients are scattered all over. I work primarily by phone.

How would someone begin an engagement with you?

Visit my website and see if what I have to say resonates. I have a lot of different ways but probably the best is to try out one session – my CLEAR Path session that helps people get unstuck and moving towards their goals quickly.

If you had one piece of advice to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

Make sure to build your business on a solid personal foundation. Get in touch with who you really are and what you really want. Let go of the beliefs and self-imposed limitations that aren’t serving you so you can represent and conduct your business with authentic confidence.

So, if you’re smart, stuck and want to move on, I highly recommend you check out Molly’s website and get your butt kicked!

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