Jamie Sue Johnson: Knock ’em Alive

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Jamie Sue Johnson was the first coach I ever hired. It was about 10 years ago!

I remember walking into my chiropractor’s office and there was a bright and shiny woman who had just opened up an office in the same building. She said she was giving away sessions to learn freedom and happiness! (At least that’s what I remember).


I went on to hire Jamie Sue not only for me but for my partners as well. We hired her to do workshops with our entire staff. Jamie Sue had us thinking personally and in groups in ways we had never thought of before.

Jamie Sue and I have been friends and colleagues every since. After selling Interactive Ink, I helped Jamie Sue once again with her website: KnockemAlive.net. She remains one of the most dynamic, energetic and dedicated coaches I’ve ever met.

Jamie Sue Johnson

So, Jamie Sue…..

What made you decide to start coaching others?

It is a bit of a tragic story. I had changed my whole world to move to California to start a new marriage and 10 months after I moved there my marriage was over. 10 days later my second daughter who was 2 months old died of a crib death, then 10 months later I was part of the reduction in force at the start of the down turn of the Silicon Valley Crash. So I went to hire a coach, after interviewing him he invited me to become a coach because of my background in business, management, leadership, personal and spiritual growth and development. So I started in his program over 16 years ago. I consider it the “shift to the gift” of my daughter’s death.

What is the focus of your coaching?

I work with individuals and businesses that want to take themselves or their business to the next level. We as human if given the chance with stay in the status quo or comfort zone. My role is to support you in living a life you absolutely love. Dream it. Design it. Do it. Live it! I have both business coaching and life coaching mix. I am also a motivational speaker and author.

What make you different than other coaches?

First off I have been coaching for over 15 years so I am one of the oldies in the industry. I also co-founded a coach training company and flowed through the process of having our course Certified through the ICF. So I have not only the experience as a coach but also as someone who is teaching and training coaches to be coaches.

Where are most of your clients?

I have had an international firm. Coaching people in Japan, Switzerland, Canada and across the US.

How would someone begin an engagement with you?

Call me directly at 614 657 8074 to set up a complimentary appointment or visit my website at www.knockemalive.net and click on Take Action Now button. You will be asked for your information and then given a life evaluation survey so when we speak we have a starting point to ensure you get value.

If you had one piece of advice to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

Listen to your Heart! Trust your Intuition. And Be Open. When you slow down and listen to your heart, trust it and open to what the world has to offer you will be amazed at the magic and miracles that occur.

Note from Kathy: I didn’t remember the story of why Jamie Sue began coaching. I knew about her daughter and the crib death but it’s been a long time since I revisited it. Makes me wonder what motivates so many of us to live into our greatness?!

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