** This is for people who already have a WordPress website and/or blog and are comfortable creating posts and/or pages.

Using video in blog posts is an excellent way to engage your readers.

I’ve said it many times, you must EDUCATE and ENTERTAIN your readers to keep them interested in coming back.

There are thousands of educational and entertaining YouTube videos to use. If you have your own videos, make sure you have a YouTube channel, but I’m getting a head of myself.

Here are a few initial things to remember

1. When you view any YouTube  video, there is a “Share”  button below it

2. After you click on “Share”, you’ll see a link to the video.

3. You’ll also see the option to “embed” the video. This is what I’m going to teach you to do!

EMBEDDING the video actually places the video in your blog so people can watch it without leaving to go to YouTube.

Embedding a YouTube video – click to watch

Below, you can see the “Twins talking” video!

Make sense??

  1. Hi Kathy!

    That was easy to understand, and helpful! I’m going to re-do my recent blog post about the nuclear fallout video from 1955 and embed it.

    Thank you!!


  2. Awesome! I’m so glad it’s helpful. Looking forward to your video!

  3. Kathy – Thank you! I had no idea this could be so easy – really appreciate the step-by-step instructions. You’re the best! Andrea

  4. Kathy, just watched your awesome video on how to embed a YouTube into a WordPress blog. It was excellent and something I’ve been curious to know. I love your new tag line “Shine Online!” You and your whole business are glowing!

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