Everyone is talking about Pinterest. Why? What the heck is it anyway?

Pinterest is an online community of people sharing what “interests” them.

It’s driven by “Pinboards” – think of virtual bulletin boards, that you fill with “Pins”. Everything that you “pin” has an image associated with it – which is one of the unique features of Pinterest. Each pin also has a URL associated with it – THIS IS THE MARKETING SECRET AND DREAM!

When other people see a “pin” of yours that they like, they can “repin” it with one click – they then share that with all of their followers and your original URL or website carries with it!

Below, is a screen shot of one of my “Pinboards”. It’s called D.I.Y. Tekno. I believe that most of us want to learn to do our online marketing so I fill this board up with tips, and products that I sell to help people Do It themselves.

DIY Pinterest Board


Below is a Pinboard that belongs to my best friends daughter. She’s getting married and she’s collecting all of her ideas on a wedding Pinboard (called Wedding Fabulous-ness!) Weddings are one of the most popular uses, by the way.

You can see that she has “pinned” dresses, cakes, hair styles, etc. When she refers back, she clicks on the “pin” and it goes to the store she can buy it at, or the blog that has instructions… you get the idea!

Pinterest 101 - Wedding Pinboard

How do you start with Pinterest??

Once you have an invitation to join, you sign up like any other online community. You then have to begin to create your “Pinboards” which is really easy.

See below, the “Pinboards” I have created for TekMiss. I have it mixed in with TekMiss information and things I like personally.

TekMiss Life, TekMiss Gadgets Apps and Stuff, Simply Beautiful, D.I.Y. Tekno and more…

Pinterest is a fabulous and fun way to be AUTHENTIC. You can show people  who you are personally as well as professionally! (See, I told you Social Media can be fun!!!)

Pinterst 101 - TekMiss Pinboards

While I say it’s EASY, the biggest hurdle is getting started!

Just start!

Create Pinboards that are titled “Things I Love,” or Home Decorating”, or “Gardening”.

For business purposes, create boards that you can fill with images from your blog, or your own products so name the boards with something interesting. Of course, we all want to sell our products and services… Pinterest provides a fun and unique way to show them off!

The TekMiss Pintersest 101 E-Book shows you step by step how to set up your account to reflect a BUSINESS. It’s full of screen shots with arrows and explanations!

If you’d like a step by step guide that walks you through setting up a Pinterest Business account with fabulous Pinboards – use the discount code “TekMissDIY” and get 25% off the e-book “Pinterest 101”

If you already have a Pinterest account with Pinboards set up, but want to learn more advanced marketing techniques for Pinterest, check out “The Power of Pinning!”

OH – and is it worth it as far as marketing MY business?!

YES! I get tons of traffic from Pinterest and connect with people I never would have attracted before.

Happy Pinning!

1 Comment
  1. I wanted to know your contact Info. Like a phone number and an Email address.

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