Gardening is a lot of fun. This time of year as I plant my healthy little plants,  and itty bitty seeds they look great. The garden is free of weeds, the plants are all neat and nice and I feel like I’ve really accomplished something.

Cherry Tomato Seeds

One little tiny seed is all it takes to begin a harvest of great abundance!

I know that those little seeds and plants are doing their good work to create an abundance of tomatoes, peas, beats, beans and peppers.

My favorite is the tiny little cherry tomato seed that will produce hundreds of juicy, sweet tidbits of goodness.

Cherry Tomatoes

An abundance of sweet goodness!

The seed is literally the size of a pin head.

The amount of tomatoes one seed can yield is in the hundreds or even thousands. Think about this for a moment. If you plant one little seed… your harvest will soon be more than you can possibly eat yourself.

However, in-between planting the little seed and eating the sweet little lovelies, I have to do my part.

The intelligence to grow and produce the vegies is in the seed – but it’s up to me to tend to it, water it, weed it, stake it up, fence it, prune it…

And so it is with social media.

We have many amazing free gardens to use today!

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube. If you consider the marketing landscape 10 years ago – there was nothing that compares to the opportunities we have today.

We don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on print advertising any more.

We have powerful, interactive, globally reaching “gardens” at our fingertips.

There is nothing stopping us from getting our advertising out there but ourselves.

These “gardens”, if you will, are there for the taking.

All we have to do is plant the seeds and then tend to them as often as necessary to produce amazing ABUNDANCE!

I’d like you to consider the photo below… yesterday (April 29, 2012) I made a pan of lasagne. On top I sprinkled a layer of frozen cherry tomatoes from my 2011 garden.

Cherry Tomato Lasagne

And it was DELICIOUS!

Today – after tending to my social media platforms for a year and a half, I have 1000’s of people on my email list, 500 people who “Like” my Facebook page, over a thousand Twitter followers, hundreds of connections and dozens of references on LinkedIn and I’m generating business simply from these “free gardens” I’ve been tending…

If you’re not using these free platforms, you’re losing out on a continuous harvest in your business.

What’s stopping you?


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