Pinterest is the latest and greatest way that women (mostly) share their passions, cooking, shopping, hair styles, crafts, quotes and more. Lot’s more!

It’s also where a lot of shopping begins. A Lot.

Every “Pin” is a graphic and usually goes to the original website it came from.

Say you’re shopping at for a dress, and you find one you like and then you pin it for the world to see.

Someone else on Pinterest loves it and when they click on it they can go directly to the dress at

It’s a marketing dream!

If you have a business and want to promote it on Pinterest, it’s important that you set up your account correctly.

Here’s a few steps to get started in the right direction.

First of all, below are screen shots of two different accounts.

Obviously one is a business (TekMiss) and the other is a personal account. (Keep in mind – the accounts are set up from the same place, it’s just HOW they were set up that indicates one is a business and one is personal.)

TekMiss Pinterest account

TekMiss Pinterest Account

Personal Pinterest Account

Personal Pinterest Account

How is it that they both look so drastically different? It’s just a matter of filling in the fields with the right information.

Instead of “First Name” enter in your business name.

Instead of “Last Name”, leave it blank or enter in a tag line.

Make the “Username” your business name.

Upload your logo (and make sure it fits well within the box)

Enter in a description of what you do, rich with keywords so people can tell at a glance.

And voila! You have a great looking profile.

Next, consider your boards. You want them to portray your busines and you personally. Notice the names of my pinboards below: TekMiss Life, Tekno Gadgets Apps and Stuff, Simply Beautiful, D.I.Y. Tekno, TekMiss Office Coolness, TekMiss Art, Tekno Tips!, Tekno-Humor

I mixed in personal interests, hobbies and work boards.

By incorporating personal items, I’m being authentic and attracting my perfect clients!

Pinterest is fun (but be careful, you’re guaranteed to get hungry, want to bake, run to the craft store and get married if you stay on it to long)…


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