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Kathy gave me a few more tips about blogging and the heavens opened up.

WOW! That’s a compliment!

Tonya Tiggett has been working her butt off build her company, Promoting University.

She’s facilitated workshops, taken on great new clients, has beautiful photography, a speaker sheet, program flyers and even some great video.

Having marketing materials without a website and promotion is like putting a billboard in the desert!

Tonya worked with Meredith Liepelt of Rich Life Marketing and was getting a handle on how online marketing works. Meredith taught her the process of creating a marketing calendar.

When the timing was right, TekMiss created a website and blog for Promoting University.

It’s one thing to create a website with a blog – and it’s another thing entirely to write the blog posts.

This is where a lot of you get stuck – you think it’s hard. You think you have to be perfect. You don’t know what to write about.

This is where a marketing / blog / social media calendar comes in.Stay Calm and Blog on

It came time for the rubber to hit the road so I sat down with Tonya IN PERSON and had her write out her marketing / blog / social media calendar. This process includes getting down to the actual blog topics – 4 a month at a minimum.

With topics in hand I left and she promised to start blogging immediately.

I nudged Tonya later in the day with an email “Hey – are you blogging yet? I don’t see anything!”

A few hours later Tonya had written her first 4 blog posts and was raring to go with 4 more. She was so excited she sent me and other members of a mastermind we’re in an email that said “Kathy gave me a few more tips about blogging and the heavens opened up. “

My clients say things like: “I’m SOOO relieved” and “I LOVE to blog now!” but “The heaven’s opened up” is a first!

Want to create your own Online Marketing Plan and INSTANTLY have topics to blog about?

Fill in the form below! You’ll get instructions and worksheets FOR FREE!


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