Sigh – Facebook. A necessary evil for business? We all feel that way, however…

Oh, lighten up! It’s FREE!

Gone are the days when you’re “forced” to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a month on a yellow page ad. We now have control and if you look at it the right way – it’s fun.

Have a blast on Facebook - it's YOUR choice!

Have a blast on Facebook – it’s YOUR choice!

Follow these tips – really, you can stop googling “how to be successful on Facebook”!

  1. Use the 80/20 rule – 80% of your posts should be educational or entertaining. 20% can be promotional.
  2. Post as if you were a person talking to someone – not as a “company” selling something
  3.  Like other business pages
  5. Use trivia, quizzes and contests to engage your “Likers”
  6. Reply to your fans posts – let them know there’s a person behind the page
  7. Post videos, cartoons, photos and text. Use variety.
  8. Share other companies posts, including your “competitors”. If you’re bringing great information to your readers, they won’t care if it’s from a competitor.
  9.  Ask Yes or No questions
  10. Have fun and engage at least once a day!

Did you learn anything from this post – let me know!

1 Comment
  1. I recently started my own cleaning business and would greatly appreciate any unique marketing ideas anyone could suggest. I have already passed out fliers, put an ad in the paper, and posted on craigslist. If you can think of anything else – please let me know!! Thanks!

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