It’s day 7 of the 30 day Blog challenge and I’m behind!
Today my iMac isn’t set up yet so I’ve been doing non -computer work this morning.

But I quickly gravitated to my iPhone to do my email, and then I realized I could blog from it too. So here I am… This is exactly why I am planning to finally get my iPad in a couple weeks. This is just to small to be fun (and I think blogging is fun!)

I want to thank all the people who came to my workshop last night on Purposeful Social Marketing. Everyone who participated shared great stories of what’s working and what’s not. I learned a lot from you all.

I ‘ll be talking more about who they are and all of their incredible ideas.

But for now – I’m going to sign off. First I’d like to ask you to share what’s working for you? FaceBook, Twitter, LinkeIn??

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