I used to say this saying to myself in 5th grade when I was watching the rain outside the giant window beside my desk. It’s one of the few memories I have of using “affirmations” when I was young. I remember that the rain was dark and depressing but I knew spring flowers were coming soon – so I always felt better!
Who can possibly not feel good knowing that spring flowers are blooming, and summer plants are busting to get out?! I can’t. Maybe that’s why I love to garden and have a “green thumb”.
In any case, it’s a great analogy for your business.
You plant the seeds, do the work and your business blossoms!
Why aren’t we as trusting that our business will bloom as the tulip bulbs we plant in the fall?
Think about this… I spent money on 100’s of tulip bulbs in 2011. I waited until the time was right and planted them all in the ground, fully understanding that I would see no physical evidence of all that work and money for another 6 – 7 months!
But with business, we go to training, we buy e-books that promise us success, and we want to see results right away! I know I do. I fully understand intellectually that I have to trust that all of the time and money I have invested will pan out and I will see physical evidence of it (money – the green stuff, the dough).
And yet, like the rest of us, I experience doubt and worry that it won’t blossom as it should. But like nature, I have noticed with experience that it always will blossom. And the less I worry and fuss, the better the blossoms are.
What a relief it is when I remember this, just like when I was a kid. I knew that the rain always led to beauty and the freedom to go outside and play!
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