Happy Holidays!

I’ve been wracking my brain for weeks on how to thank everyone of my readers and clients.

Homeade Gift from the Rausch'sYou see, I typically give away home made cookies candy to friends and family.

And that’s what I WANT to give  to you all, but alas, the computer that spits out candy via a blog or Facebook hasn’t been invented yet.

So, I created an E-Book that’s really useful and easy to follow. It’s called Facebook 101.

Facebook 101 a Holiday Gift from TekMiss imageIt’s for folks who have a Facebook page that’s not doing anything for them and/ or for those who don’t have a Facebook page, but know they “should”.

It has my new logo so I’m psyched. My new website will be up by 2012!

So with that, all I have to say is take some time off and reflect on the new year!

2012 will be a great one if you put your mind to it!

Look for my January 2012 offer where I’ll  be giving away a free WordPress website (customized for the lucky winner!)

Kathy Rausch

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